Ross River and Barmah Forest – Oct 15

As the weather warms up, so does the mosquito breeding season and the risk of Ross River Virus.

Ross River virus (RRV) is a mosquito-borne disease which often causes people fatigue, sore joints, fever, headache, general unwellness and sometimes a rash.

Naturopath Victoria West sees many people with Ross River virus, Barhmah Forrest Virus (BFV), Shingles, Herpes and other viral illness’. Although RRV and BFV have different causative agents to Shingles, the common thread is that they are all ‘envelope viruses’. According to Victoria, several herbal medicines are known to benefit eradication of envelope viruses. The herbs help to ‘open the envelope’ and allow the immune system access to kill the virus. “Within as little as a few days to a week, people can start to feel a difference” Ms West said.

Prevention however is better than a cure. Mosquito’s tend to be prevalent at dawn and dusk. If you are out, make sure you use a suitable repellent and cover up. Victoria also suggests using commercial repellents on the clothes, particularly around ankles, wrists and back of the neck.

For more information about Ross River Virus contact Victoria West at Bunbury Natural Health on 9792 4248.

What you need to know about IBS – Nov 2015

IBS is just a name describing what is happening to the bowel rather than what is causing the issue.

A medical web definition of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is “a common condition characterized by abdominal pain and cramps, (diarrhea and/or constipation, or both), gas, bloating, nausea, and other symptoms’ that are particular to the person.

Most times people are told this is something they have to live with, but according to Naturopath Victoria West, advances in science are now able to help pinpoint possible causes.
The bowel is a very complex organ system whose functions include: absorption of nutrients to feed the body, Immune protection (60% of your immune system resides in the gut), detoxification of hormones we make and chemicals we eat, production of some vitamins, hormones and enzymes for digestion and blood sugar regulation and contains nerve fibres and neurotransmitters to communicate messages to the brain.

In fact Victoria says “there are more nerve fibres going from the gut to the brain than the other way”. This indicates your gut helps regulate the nervous system (moods, immune) by informing the brain (via food and stress hormones) about our environment and what is happening. “Therefore the importance of healthy gut bacteria is vital to help provide the right messages to the brain, if I can put it simply.”

What can you do for your IBS?

That depends on your symptoms Victoria says. I take a detailed case history to understand the symptoms and any underlying issues. IBS is so personal and everyone is different. I start with recommending dietary changes as this sometimes fixes the problem. If symptoms continue then herbal treatments are prescribed to support symptoms and treat underlying issues.

If you or someone you know needs help with IBS call Victoria now on 9792 4248

2016 Your Doorway to Great Health

Editorial from Bunbury Mail – Jan 2016

As we all know New Year’s resolutions are easy to make and often hard to keep.

Perhaps one reason we fall down is by not having a clear plan or support to achieve our goals.

If one of your goals this year is better health, Naturopath Victoria West is offering for her Centre to be your doorway to better health.

Victoria sees a wide variety of health issues such as; Hormonal problems (Male and female), Mood issues such as anger, depression, anxiety and stress, Low energy, Digestive, Sleep issues, Skin, Arthritis, Headaches, Children’s health, learning and behaviour and many other health problems.

During summer, Ross River Virus and other virus’ are prevalent and Victoria says she successfully treats these cases.

‘Our Naturopathic treatment approach is based on a strong and growing body of scientific evidence founded on the traditional well documented herbal tradition through the centuries’ Victoria says.

According to Victoria, even if you are on prescription medication this need not be a barrier to starting a better health approach. Dietary, lifestyle and herbal treatments are easily designed around existing prescriptions.
‘No matter what your health issue, now is the time to act and achieve your goals with our support’.
Phone Victoria now on 9792 4248

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Thank you for visiting our site – updated information available soon.

In the meantime please call 97924248 if you have any queries.