Q: Are natural medicines safe to use with my Dr’s prescriptions
A: As a fully qualified Naturopath, I am are trained to understand the use of herbal medicines with prescription tablets. There are certain herbs that are advisable not to use if you are on blood thinners like Warfarin, or blood pressure tablets, antidepressants or if you have kidney or other health issues that might impact treatment. As part of our wholistic programe we take a detailed history in order to understand what is happening for each person. This allows us to develop an individualised programme of treatment.
Q: What happens in an appointment?
A: The initial consultation is one hour. If your case is particularly complex or there is a long medical history, it is advisable to book a 90 minute appt
You will be sent a questionnaire to complete and bring with you to this appointment. I also ask that you bring along any copies of recent blood, pathology or other tests you may have had so we can look at your history in total.
On the day we discuss your history, family history, diet and lifestyle, sleep & digestive patterns along with any other relevant history (such as menstrual health for women or urinary and hormonal health for men). An Iridology picture is also taken and discussed on the day. If testing is required options will be recommended
All the information you share remains private and confidential (unless specifically requested to share )
Q: What do Naturopaths treat?
A: Naturopaths treat all health conditions from minor sniffles to serious health conditions. In serious health issues, people are generally on medications from their doctor. In this case we work with you & your GP to ensure you get the best health results.
Common conditions treated are: Fatigue, Insomnia, Anxiety and mood issues, Digestive problems (IBS, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Gas, Bloating, Reflux, Indigestion, Helicobactor Pylori and other microbe imbalances in the gut) Hormones – both male & female, PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS, Uterine fibroids, Fertility, Oestrogen dominant menstrual issues, Immune, Allergy, Headaches, Migraines, Blood pressure and heart issues, Eczema & skin Children’s health (Immune, Behaviour, Learning), Weight management
Q: What should I bring to the appointment?
A: A questionnaire will be sent to you to complete and bring with you to the appointment.
If you have had recent blood tests, biopsy’s, x-ray, ultrasounds or any other tests, a copy of your reports would be valuable
Naturopaths work with a Wellness Model as opposed to the “Pathology (disease) model” which is used in general Medical Practice. In the pathology model Dr’s are looking for disease. If your readings are are at the extreme end of normal or even slightly over the normal range, your Doctor will probably consider this as normal, and not recommend treatment or lifestyle changes. In Naturopathic terms we do not wait until the blood tests show signs of distress in the body. Using the Wellness Model we aim to improve your health and wellbeing before your symptoms extend into the pathological model. The results you bring to the appt will be explained in terms of wellness.
Q: Health Rebates?
A: Recently the Government has made changes to what you can claim for all Naturopath and other health related areas. Where as you could claim on your private fund, now with the Government changes you will not be able to claim. However the Government is currently reviewing their decision. If you would like to have rebates again, there is a petition you may choose to sign https://www.yourhealthyourchoice.com.au/
or the facebook page to keep you up to date with current events
If you would like further information about rebates please phone me on 9792 4248
Q: What about my privacy and personal information?
A: As a client to our clinic we understand the importance of privacy. All personal details and all details of each consultation remains confidential. If you wish to see other practitioners in the clinic your permission will be sought to share information if needed. Information is only shared with your permission.
Q: How is Bunbury Natural Health different from other Naturopaths?
A: We use the best of nature with the latest quality testing to address your health concerns. We tailor our treatment to your individual needs and based around your symptom and health profile.
Using an integrated approach, we can work with your medical practitioner & other allied health professionals to help you achieve your health goals.
We actively listen & assess each case to create individualised programmes
Q: What if I have a question that is not listed here?
A: If you have a question that is not listed here we would love to hear from you.
We are happy to answer your questions.
You can phone us on 9792 4248 or email us at: bunburynaturalhealth@live.cm.au
We look forward to hearing from you so we can help you improve your health.